Author: John Freer
Page: 4
By John Freer The first move on the Thames Coromandel Districts top job has been made with Councillor Peter Revell today announcing he will be challenging for the mayoralty next October. The former Thames Community Board member and now a district councillor, said the decision came after much reflection and discussion with family and friends. […]
By John Freer After being closed for seven years the 125 year old Coromandel Town Gold Stamper Battery is being reintroduced as a tourist attraction. The man behind Rocket Lab, Sir Peter Beck, is also behind NZ Gold Mining Heritage Limited which is reopening the icon. While the battery will initially be available as a […]
The major police exercise yesterday on the 309 Road has resulted in a 77-year-old man being charged with murder and attempted murder. Charges came late last night following the death of a pig hunter while a second person is in Auckland hospital with gunshot wounds. The person charged is due to appear in Hamilton District […]
By John Freer An olive branch with the aim of bringing together the Coromandel Alliance Association and Thames Coromandel District Councillors to establish a constructive relationship. It came during an interview between Mayor, Len Salt, and Alliance chairman, Richard Shelford-Woodcock. The alliance represents a collective of residents and ratepayer associations it claimed that council was […]
By John Freer It was the term localism which stood out at this week’s re-opening of the Whangamata Community Swimming Pool. Several speakers talked about the development of the pool since its origins back in the 1990s through until its latest six-month $430,000 refit. Every one of them referenced a similar theme – their town […]
By John Freer By the end of next year the eastern seaboard of the Coromandel Peninsula should have its own 3D Mammogram machine for breast screening. This from Mike Brown, the driver of Project Mammogram, which raised the $350,000 needed to turn the life-saving idea from a dream to reality. The target was reached last […]
By John Freer Significant shifts in the local media landscape over recent months as Coromandel’s local radio station, CFM prepares to blow out the candles on its sixth birthday cake. Changes, which have sparked reactions from our local community leaders, started back in March when after 45 years, the Hauraki Herald suddenly stopped publishing. Then […]
By John Freer Update 9.30am 19/11/2024 Police have made two arrests overnight following the car chase yesterday from Matarangi to Tapu on the Thames Coast. A third person is still being sought. Police have issued the following release. Two people have been arrested in connection with an incident in Coromandel yesterday, which ended in a […]
By John Freer A renewed warning – stay away from the closed Cathedral Cove walking track or risk jeopardising an early December reopening. Department of Conservation staff are reiterating their numerous requests for people to stay off the track while reopening work continues. With good progress being made, DOC’s Regional Director, Tinaka Mearns, said staff […]
By John Freer Road cones – maybe one of the biggest topics of conversation, not just around our region, but across the country. Sad thing is I recently picked up some friends at the airport after returning from three months in Europe, low and behold before even hitting the motorway, the question of road cones […]