Angels of Wool

Cornerstone House on Ocean Road

Event info
Date: Saturday June 11, 2022
Time: 10:00 am
Location: Cornerstone House on Ocean Road
Phone: Bev Lusby on 021 069 1923.

This is a fantastic group are based in the Whangamata area and this year have made an incredible 60 blankets, 55 jerseys for children, over 100 hats – plus 30 pairs of slippers for all ages and more.

These wonderful ladies are desperate for wool – donate, donate, donate.

They are also having their annual display (next to Anglican Op Shop) Please head along to the display and give a gold coin donation and buy a ra‑ e ticket to assist with shipping costs.


Always welcome new members.



Friday 10th June 10am – 2pm

Saturday 11th June, 10am-2pm

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