Hikutaia School Trail Ride 2021

8504 State Highway 26 RD4 Paeroa

Event info
Date: Sunday March 14, 2021
Time: 9:00 am
Location: 8504 State Highway 26 RD4 Paeroa
Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/166947474973335/

The annual Hikutaia School Trail Ride for 2021 is on Sunday 14 March. Tracks to suit varying riders and abilities. Senior track 32 + km. Junior track over rolling farmland and a Pee wee track for the littlies.

$40 per adult (16+ years)

$ 25 (15 years and under)

$10 Peewee.

Family concession available at sign in (please ask for details).

Eftpos available

Fabulous range of hot food and cold refreshments for sale on the day.


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