Ocean Protection

Tairua-Pauanui Sports Fishing Club, Tairua.

Event info
Date: Sunday October 31, 2021
Time: 1:00 pm
Location: Tairua-Pauanui Sports Fishing Club, Tairua.
The purpose of the event is a discussion on the formation of a formal group to advance the protection of our sea life in the Hauraki Marine Park and especially around the Coromandel Peninsula.
Follow-up community discussion on improving the outlook for marine life in the Coromandel waters.
Speakers: Dennis Tegg, Waikato Regional Council; Mike Bhana, Documentary Filmmaker; Miranda O’Connell, Waiheke Marine Project.
Reservation is essential to limit attendance to the permitted number under Covid Level 2 restrictions.
If the Covid alert level should be raised to Level 3 in the meantime, the event will be held online by Zoom.
Registered participants will be informed if any changes to the event should be required.
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