Show Me Shorts: Love & Other Catastrophes

Colville Hall

Event info
Date: Saturday November 2, 2019
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: Colville Hall
Address: Colville Rd, Colville

NZ’s leading short film festival is coming to Colville: connecting audiences with shorts; celebrating excellence; fostering the NZ short film community.

Dating disasters, tales of grand gestures and love gone wrong make the best stories. We all want to live vicariously through someone else’s adventures. We can empathise with characters who love big and take emotional risks. The films in this collection take us on some hilarious dates or explore the awkward aftermath. These are the kinds of experiences that will shape us as adult humans.

The films are:
– A Family Affair by Florence Keith-Roach
– One Hundred and Twenty Seconds by Connor Slattery
– Les Petite Vagues (Little Waves) by Ariane Louis-Seize
– Hush by Armağan Ballantyne
– Constellations by Anna Maguire
– #Collapsingempire by Cathy MacDonald
– Guy Proposes to His Girlfriend On a Mountain by Bernhard Wenger
– Wild Love by Paul Autric, Quentin Camus, Léa Georges, Maryka Laudet, Zoé Sottiaux, Corentin Yvergniaux

Estimated total run time: 90 minutes.
Rating TBC. Contact your cinema for details.

General Admission: $12.50
Door Sales Only


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