The Cocksy Classic Memorial Charity Fishing Competition


Event info
Date: Saturday February 8, 2020
Time: 12:01 am
Location: Tairua

What started as an idea after the late Cocksy’s funeral over a beer or two, the light-bulb moment has now become a fully-fledged charity fishing competition.
From a reason to stay in touch and connect, to a fishing competition with a purpose, the Cocksy Classic is an event not only about remembering a legend or our mate, it’s about getting people talking & sharing their own stories, it’s a platform of support with the gift of bonding with like minded people to give back to a worthy charity that Cocksy spent many years supporting.
All proceeds from the event will be donated to The Trillian Trek, formally the Variety Bash.

TICKETS $75 per person (incl: Entry fee, Cocksy Classic T-Shirt, BBQ Dinner at prize giving, Donation to charity)
All proceeds to the Trillian Trek Kids Charity
For more information, to register and purchase tickets go to:
Numbers are limited, first in, first reserved.
Loads of prizes, auctions and raffles.

FRIDAY 7th February
Briefing: 7pm, Tairua Rugby Club. Open from 6pm to 9pm.

SATURDAY: 8th February
Fishing event: 12.01am to 4pm
Lines out: 4pm
Weigh in opens: 2pm / Weigh in closes: 6pm
Rugby Club open 6pm – midnight
Dinner: 7pm – 9pm
Prize Giving: 8pm, Tairua Rugby Club


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