Whiti Beach Meet 2025

Event info
Date: Saturday January 4, 2025
Time: 8:30 am
WHITI BEACH MEET 2025 – Jan 4 – Buffalo Beach Reserve
You can enter on the day, BUT!! Please put your entry in sooner rather than later, as entering on the day can cause congestion. (And that way shirts can be done in advance, and it gives the organisers a handle on numbers.)

Entrants mingle area – there will be a covered area this time to enable the entrants and sponsors etc. to mingle.

Bring it along!! – If it’s for sale, bring it, as it might sell, if it’s a project or anything that could make the show more interesting, bring that too.
Plus, lots of spot prizes!!
It’s only $20 to enter, all proceeds go to a good cause!!
It doesn’t matter what you’re driving, there are no restrictions on year, model, make or type of vehicle. If you know anyone that might like to enter their baby, we encourage you to invite them along. We also invite car clubs to have their own displays.
Please either email the entry form back to [email protected] or
text/call Julie on 0274516406 with your details or
post it to 87 Tarapatiki Drive, Whitianga 3510.
Payments can be direct credited to 020496-0126087-000 reference your name.
Event Shirts
The event shirts have higher quality in garment printing that can be pre ordered via the entry form attached.
Category prizes
The committee are accumulating a comprehensive spot and category prize pool, so be in to win!!
Sunday 5th Jan picnic cruse
We will have a picnic cruse to Kuaotunu on the 5th for those still around on Sunday. More on this to follow.
Entry Fee
The $20.00 entry fee is to help cover some of the costs to run the event plus category and spot prizes, any surplus fuds over and above all event costs will be donated to a local charity/cause.
[There are no radio stations in the database]