Written by on December 2, 2021


UPDATED 5pm 2/12/2021

The 1pm numbers today did not include the confirmation of this case that we expected. We raised a question with the Waikato DHB who have now responed. They have said in a statement to CFM that “the Public Health Unit are aware of a case isolating in Whitianga who had relocated from Auckland in compliance with the border and travel requirements.

The case is currently included in Auckland’s reporting but may be transferred to Waikato.”

Waikato DHB has this afternoon confirmed a positive COVID-19 case in Whitianga. This said it is an isolated case low risk of community spread. The person confirmed is double vaccinated and isolating.



We have an unconfirmed report of a positive covid-19 case on the Coromandel.

Formal confirmation of this will usually only happen through the Ministry of Health’s daily Covid update which is released around 1:30pm each day provided it was reported to them prior to 9am. It should be confirmed in today’s numbers.

We have heard from multiple sources but have not received official confirmation from either the Ministry or Waikato DHB or from TCDC.

We understand that the person recently moved to Whitianga from a level 3 area and has therefore been required to have regular Covid tests.

More when we have official confirmation.


Reader's opinions
  1. Lucy   On   December 2, 2021 at 8:51 pm

    Interesting the double vaccinated low risk comment. Imagine if they weren’t vaccinated and the comment then?? I can only imagine what’s gonna happen when Auckland is let out. But hey it’s ok they’re all vaccinated!! Reality check… anyone can get it and pass it… vaccinated or not.

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