Mercury Bay Business Association

Cathedral Cove Scenic Cruises operator, Ken Hindmarsh says the current level of information from DOC on the reinstatement of walkways to access Cathedral cove is extremely poor. He told CFM that “They appear to be hiding behind health and safety as a reason not to get on with it. There is no communication regarding the […]

A $25 million grant allocation to help businesses in cyclone-affected regions to clean up and get back on their feet is a welcome boost to the Coromandel. “We really want to thank the government for listening to us as we shared what our business communities are going through, and addressing some very painful economic hurt,” […]

Businesses, trading across the Coromandel Peninsula, particularly those relying on tourism and hospitality, have been dealt another blow. For some, this time it could be terminal. It was not the weather, instead on this occasion it is Prime Minister Chris Hipkins, who virtually ignored the plight of Coromandel Peninsula’s economy while offering storm relief to […]

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