New World 60 Second Grocery Grab


It’s back again: New World’s 60 Second Grocery Grab for 2022.

You could be whizzing around New World in Whitianga at 8am on Friday July 29, grabbing as much as you can in your trolley in One-Hot-Minute.

We’ve done this for the past few years and it’s A LOT of fun: winners have been able to score many hundreds of dollars worth of grocery items. YOU could be next!

All you have to do it get into New World in Whitianga, spend $50 or more in the store, and get your entry into the draw. We’ll draw a winner on Thursday afternoon July 28th.

While you’re in at New World, make sure you check out (no pun intended) the big improvements to the store. Kerry and the team have re-done the floors, shiny and new, and they’ve added extra new shelving, meaning they’ve got room for a bigger range of products. More varieties of the brands you know and love.

Head in store today and enter the New World 60 Second Grocery Grab for 2022

Grocery-Grab-Poster | New World Whitianga


Spend $50 or more in one transaction between 18 July 2022 and 28 July 2022, put you name and phone number on the back of your receipt and place it in the competition box for you chance to win.

Conditions of Entry.
1. One lucky winner will be drawn from the competition box located at Whitianga New World on 28 July 2022.
2. The winner will need to be available for the ‘60 Second Grocery Grab’ on Friday 29 July at 8:00am live on CFM. If unavailable, a redraw will occur until an available person for the date and time specified is confirmed.
3. One winner may perform the ‘Grocery Grab’ or they can nominate an immediate family member, or a CFM team member to perform the grab for them.
4. The winner has 60 seconds to ‘Grocery Grab’ from the main aisles up to a value of $500 worth of groceries. Liquor, Tobacco, Butchery and Health and Beauty products are not part of the ‘Grocery Grab’ and will be removed from the final total.
5. After the ‘Grocery Grab’ is complete, the products will be processed at checkout. If the final value is over $500, the winner will need to choose which products they would like to exclude.
6. No more than two of the same product range can be selected as part of the ‘Grocery Grab’
7. New World Whitianga Staff and immediate families, and CFM Staff and immediate families are not permitted to enter.
8. A weekly prize of a $50 New World Gift card will be drawn every Thursday if you go to the New World Facebook page and follow/like. The winner of the weekly spot prize will be named ‘on air’ the proceeding Friday and also contacted by phone by the store.
9. The winner accepts that by entering this competition, their name may be used on promotional material associated with this competition such as identifying them as the winner on the store Facebook Page. and that they accept that they will be interviewed on a live show by CFM on the day of the ‘Grocery Grab’.
10. Judges decision is final.

[There are no radio stations in the database]