Skatepark Subject to Judicial Review

Written by on June 7, 2023

The controversial proposed Tairua Skatepark is now the subject of a judicial review.

The action has been lodged in the High Court by Preserve Cory Park Domain Incorp, a society which represents the majority of property owners directly neighbouring the proposed skatepark site.

The review is against Thames Coromandel District Council.

The design plans for Tairua Skatepark were approved by Council at its April meeting, which also authorised a project team to proceed with procurement and construction.

Reader's opinions
  1. p. wright   On   June 7, 2023 at 11:27 am

    is it true someone at cfm is antiskatepark, John freer perhaps, have you asked the cory wrights what they think. After all it was they they donated it to the comunity for just such things,,,

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