Mayor Knows Rates Rise Difficult For Some

Written by on May 3, 2023

With submissions having been heard on its proposed annual plan, Thames Coromandel Mayor Len Salt has acknowledged the concerns of ratepayers on the proposed rates increase.

Len has told CFM that he knows residents will find the proposed increase of 11 percent will be difficult, especially those people living on fixed incomes.

The cost of rubbish and waste collection is a major contributor to the proposed 2023-2024 rates, this due to government waste levies and the $80 million waste contract signed by the previous council.

The mayor believes a discussion is needed with the new contractors on this matter.

Open the link below to hear the full interview with the mayor.


Reader's opinions
  1. James McMillan   On   May 4, 2023 at 1:36 pm

    I asked about a rate discount for waste collection services not received in the rural north about for about 2 months and was advised that on my property rates there is no solid waste ie blue bag and recycling cost. But it appears rates are going up on my property by 11 % to compensate for the cost of waste collection. TCDC seem to be able to spin a yarn that suit them whenever.

    Point 2 any unsealed road should be prioritized for widening where needed and sealed. If not the roading infrastructure will simply wash away in the near future. NZTA are not serving the coromandel as the should be and the community is suffering. Where are our proposals for 25A.

  2. Richard   On   May 15, 2023 at 9:50 am

    That interview is an embarrassment to TCDC. Here is the simple fact – they tendered the waste contract BEFORE they undertook community consultation and BEFORE they did their planning work. Now they are in a bind because what they have contracted Waste Management to deliver is different to what they now need and can afford. It is incompetence of the highest order.

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