It is now a two-horse race for the Thames Mayoralty at the coming October local government elections. An announcement last night from Thames Coromandel Mayor, Len Salt, that he will be seeking re-election. Already running is one of his council colleagues in Cr Peter Revell. In making his announcement the current mayor said his focus […]
No indication yet as to who will be campaigning to be Thames Coromandel District’s Mayor at next year’s local government elections. This after CFM approached all existing Thames Coromandel District Councillors to see who would be putting their hands up again for the next three-year stint. Current Mayor, Len Salt, advised us that it was […]
It is being labelled one of the biggest challenges faced by a council in determining its future direction and that comes from the man in charge – the Thames Coromandel District Mayor. Over the next couple of days the Mayor and Councillors will thrash out the region’s long-term plan – a few key aspects being […]
By John Freer Significant increases to rates and major issues being faced by the Thames Coromandel District Council do not appear to have inspired residents to have their say on the draft 10-year long-term plan. Numbers released last week revealed that only 282 submissions were received on the 2024-2034 draft plan, over 1300 fewer than […]
By John Freer Five key points have been included in the promotional sheet which encourages residents and ratepayers of the Thames Coromandel District, to have their say on the 10-year long-term plan. The obvious one is managing rates, followed by investing more in future planning, investing in connected communities, increasing fees and charges to keep […]
By John Freer To complete the construction of a new Whitianga Refuse Transfer Station is understood to cost an additional $9.9 million. This after an original estimate of $2.5 million. Thames Coromandel District Council halted work on the project earlier this year when it was agreed that the design was not fit for purpose. Since […]
By John Freer Getting people involved in developing the next long-term plan is on the radar for Thames Coromandel Mayor Len Salt. He wants input into setting the future priorities for the local council and how rates funding is to be spent. This from Mayor Len as council considers its Long-Term Plan. And the mayor […]
By John Freer New bins, new trucks and new hi-viz jackets for the staff – this today as new age of rubbish, waste and recycling was launched across the Coromandel Peninsula, Hauraki Plains and Matamata Piako districts. The new system incorporates four bins collecting food waste, general rubbish, recycling and glass. Whiritoa, Whangamata South and […]
By John Freer Thames Coromandel District Councillors have approved the annual plan and the rates for the coming 12 months. Average rates increase across the region by 11.6 percent – this will fund $50.5 million of capital works – included in this being $14.6 million of storm recovery projects. Mayor Len Salt said it was […]
The opening of the new Kopu Marine Precinct is on target for May next year. Some 25 people representing interested parties, today heard that the project is going to plan and to budget. Thames Coromandel Mayor, Len Salt, in addressing those on site, said that the new development had the ability to establish 100 new […]