Three Waters

Hauraki District Council Mayor, Toby Adams, is not giving his blessing to the Government’s revised Three Waters Programme. The refreshment of the scheme – now referred to at Affordable Water Reforms, was announced late last week. Adams said while the scheme may assist some councils, his had made significant and appropriate water investment over the […]

On 27 October 2021 Local Government Minister Nania Mahuta confirmed that the Three Waters Reform would now be mandatory for all councils. Central Government is moving ahead with the formation of four water entities across the country. There’s now a transitional process happening so that the Entities will be managing three waters by 2024. In […]

Nanaia Mahuta has today said that it will be mandatory for Councils to adopt the Three Waters reforms and signals another shot across the bows of New Zealand democracy. The announcement was made by Nanaia Mahuta today and signals a full steam ahead approach to reform the management and control of the three waters, being […]

Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta spoke to Rex Simpson on CFM’s Our Coromandel show regarding the Three Waters reform and answered an array of questions submitted by you. Listen here: Or listen directly on Soundcloud here >>

We’ve now seen the Governments plan albeit with not a lot of detail, and the determination to introduce their reforms with absolute haste. Minister Nanaia Mahuta announced in the house yesterday that the Government intended to introduce Legislation to push ahead with Three Waters. This is despite overwhelming rejection of the current concept by 63 […]

We have been providing updates and interviews on this topic for sometime now. During this period we have been seeing a national tsunami of concern mounting as each day goes by. Locally the calls for this reform to be stopped have gathered momentum. However Christopher Luxon, National Party spokesperson for Local Government has issued a […]

Anti – Three Waters Reforms – campaigner Benjamin Dunbar-Smith has announced 3 further meetings over the next few days as he tries to spread his views on why the proposed Government reforms should be scrapped. Meetings are to be held in Tairua on Friday night, then a midday meeting in Waihi on Saturday and finally […]

For weeks now, there have been murmurings of discontent from many quarters regarding the governments Three Waters proposal. It started around the time that Westland Mayor, Bruce Smith released a video on 24 July setting out the reasons for his displeasure and committing not to support the reform before seeking a mandate from his ratepayers. […]

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