Here is todayâs latest news from the 1pm news conference.
There are 21 additional cases of Covid in the community and none of these are from the Coromandel. Eighteen are from Auckland and 3 from Wellington
Wastewater testing results are being conducted throughout New Zealand and cover 3.5m of the total population. Positive tests were recorded in several Auckland sites and as well in Warkworth (North of Auckland). The Coromandel tests have all been negative.
There have been record numbers of people being tested, receiving vaccines and a growing usage of the Covid App.
People in the Coromandel have been commenting that test results have been mostly slow coming through with some tested-on Wednesday, still waiting to hear the outcome of the test. We understand that volume is slowing the process down and the current expectation is out to 72 hours.
Mostly though the news will be a relief to people in or near the Coromandel with tests all indicating no spread so far.