Written by on October 8, 2021

The Minister for Local Government, Foreign Affairs and Associate Minister of Maori Affairs and Local MP for Hauraki-Waikato will be joining Rex on ‘Our Coromandel’ this coming Monday  11 October 2021.

We have been providing extensive coverage recently on the ongoing debate regarding the Three Waters Reforms and Minister Mahuta is the Minister responsible for this proposal that has received very little support from Council’s throughout New Zealand with the majority stating a preference to Opt out or the need for more information before proceeding further. It has also received a large public backlash and so far a petition to stop Three Water by the National Party has obtained over 50,000 signatures.

The Minister has agreed to join Rex on Monday and we would like to invite you to put forward your questions. We will have limited time so will need to collate similar questions. If you have a question then leave a comment here with your question.

Tune in to Rex on 95.1FM East Coast and 94.0 West Coast for the show that entertains and informs on Our Coromandel, Monday 10 till 1pm on Coromandel’s CFM

Reader's opinions
  1. Len Salt   On   October 8, 2021 at 10:27 am

    A question for the Minister. Whitianga urgently needs an alternative water supply to cope with increased development and huge visitor numbers in peak times. If we are one of 22 Councils in entity B, how can we be sure that we get priority on the investment and not end up at the bottom of the pile with no seat at the table and no influence over decisions on where and when the funds are allocated?

  2. Mike Brown   On   October 8, 2021 at 12:05 pm

    Given that all the water assets are owned and paid for by the New zealand ratepayers can the minister please explain why gifting 50 % of all these assets to Iwi will improve the drinking water I get from the tap .

  3. JL Holyoake   On   October 8, 2021 at 12:16 pm

    Can she explain how it is democratic for her to legislate for changes when the ratepayers have not been consulted(and they paid for these assets), and the majority of councils have said they don’t want this.

    I also would like to know if Maori are only 16% of the population, why would Iwi get 50% of the votes on the board.

  4. Paul Cutelli   On   October 8, 2021 at 3:01 pm

    This government is prepared bring in legislation to force this issue. However do not se the need to make vaccinating workers who have face to face contact mandatory?

  5. Jennifer Dorrian   On   October 8, 2021 at 3:18 pm

    I’m not overly concerned re the proposal but feel four entities are not quite enough? Is there more room to negotiate around upping the numbers as per 1st question asked. We certainly require our water services and waste water services upgraded. The councils have just moaned and have only just starting consulting in the last few weeks and in a negative way. Disappointing really.

  6. June Bennett   On   October 8, 2021 at 7:48 pm

    What confidence can Ratepayers have that the four unelected entities where the 67 Council owned water essets will merged into, will not be on-sold to any large corporations or offshore for the highest price in the future? Councils will have no control over what happens to our valuable assets paid for by our Ratepayers.

  7. Megan   On   October 9, 2021 at 7:45 am

    Why were the owners of these assets, the rate payers not consulted- why no referendum on this important issue? Where is the mandate to do this and why was this not mentioned in the lead up to the election? Why are iwi being given 50% of our assets? Where are the financial implications for ratepayers? Can we see a cost/benefit analysis – surely this work has been done prior to starting this project? Why is her sister on the the proposed board?

  8. Jan Nicholson   On   October 9, 2021 at 8:30 am

    Why is the Minister pushing the legislation through without consultation with the rate payers who have paid for the assets? Why do it now when there is a pandemic raging ? Why is national media not addressing the 3 Waters issue as all we are hearing is COVID related news.

  9. John Proctor   On   October 9, 2021 at 9:15 am

    Do you intend to mandate these proposals even though most local councils have indicated that they do not want them to proceed? If so what gives you the right to do this without rate payer’s consent

  10. John Wardrop   On   October 9, 2021 at 7:43 pm

    Does the Minister hold to the Maori Kings view that Maori have the sole right to control New Zealand’s waterways.

  11. Taupa Ngaruhe   On   October 10, 2021 at 8:40 am

    Why can’t, maori have more than 50% of the asstests as all I’ve seen is limp settlements from colonial governing authorities, 50 % seems minimal, 16% sounds like a joke, the democratic decision escaltes every year , not by Maori interesting , that, Rates and assets determined by popular of Rate payers.

  12. Frank   On   October 10, 2021 at 3:30 pm

    I would like to know what safeguards you will implement to ensure that this is and will remain a democratic process, because right at the moment you do not appear to be listening to the voters and it has been implied it is either your way or the highway for everyone else. This is definitely not a democratic process.

  13. Jon Maud   On   October 10, 2021 at 6:40 pm

    How can you say local councils will retain ownership of water assets when they will have no ownership rights? 23local councils will share 6 of the 12 seats on the governing authority so they will have no real say about assets.

  14. Jon Maud   On   October 10, 2021 at 6:46 pm

    How is it fair that iwi will have 6 of the seats of the government board when they contribute none of the assets, and the 23 councils will have six seats and they contribute 100% of the assets into the new water entity? Is this part of the 50-50 partnership agenda?

  15. Jon Maud   On   October 10, 2021 at 6:52 pm

    how can you say the case for change has been proven, when the Scottish model for change has been heavily criticised by by the Farrierwier and Castallia reports? Both have said the assumed financial benifits should not be relied upon.

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