Written by on November 18, 2021

The Ministry of health has confirmed that we have a positive case of Covid-19  located on the Peninsula in Thames.

Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki is providing services with a pop up testing facility now available at Rhodes Park in Thames. The testing centre will remain open today till 7pm and will reopen at 9am tomorrow morning. Anybody who is a close contact of the positive case or has symptoms should go to be tested as soon as possible.

The announcement of the Thames case comes on a day when the virus has continued to spread throughout the North Island with cases announced in Tauranga, Mt Maunganui and Palmerston North today.

A short while ago Rex Simpson spoke to Riana Manuel from Te Korowai about the first positive case on the Peninsula. You can here the interview here.

More details as they come to hand.

Reader's opinions
  1. Trish Malanaphy   On   November 21, 2021 at 7:19 pm

    This is total “CRAP:” this agency are stating if you have been a close contact with this person, get tested. You cant even give us places of interest to avoid, do we all stay locked in our homes until some non informed , doesnt know , has no information to hand “authority” lets us out. There are people in our community immuno compromised that need real time facts. THERE IS NO EXCUSE here we have had COVID in this country now for best part of 2 years . Those of us that have listened done the right thing and followed all of the best advice are being treated like idiots by this Government, and its well funded “authorities”

    • Karin Lillis   On   November 21, 2021 at 8:54 pm

      So much information and details of all other cases in towns around NZ. We have absolutely nothing to go on for Thames …4 days later, perhaps there wad no contact tracing done? Still, are we talking 1 person, 1 family, further positive cases, so many questions about , leafs to fear and misinformation.
      Disappointed ????

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