Survey: Drugs in our community Part 2 Results – Availability

Written by on July 30, 2020


Today we release part 2 of our survey on illicit drugs on the Coromandel and surrounding districts.
In Part 1 that was released last Friday, we looked at the question of how people are likely to vote at the forthcoming referendum on the question pertaining to the legalisation of the supply and use of cannabis. You can see these results here.

Today we look at the question we asked in the survey concerning the availability of the supply of illegal drugs. We asked the question “Are you aware of the location of a supplier of illegal drugs in your community?”. The results are surprising and show a high awareness of the location or how to find the location, of a source of illicit drugs.

Of those that responded to this question, 59% said they either knew of the location of a supplier or knew who to ask to find a supplier. Of the responses, males were more likely to know where to source drugs with 61% answering in the affirmative to the question of either knowing the location or knowing who to ask to find a location of a supplier. This compared to females with 55% knowing wither where to go or alternatively who to ask to find a location of a supplier.

Those living on the Thames Coast from Manaia to Waitete Bay were the most knowledgeable on supplier locations with 78% knowing where to find or who to ask for the supply and this was followed by those responding in Whitianga (including Kuaotunu, Matarangi, Whangapoua, Opito and Otama, Cooks Beach, Hahei and Hot Water Beach) and similarly those living in Paeroa/Te Aroha or other Hauraki provincial towns where 59% know where to find or know who to ask to locate a supplier.

Conversely those living in Tairua/Pauanui were least likely to know with just 18% indicating awareness of location or a source to know the location of a supplier. Whangamata (and surrounds) indicated just less than half of them know the location or a source to find the location of a supplier.

In age groups, those who were younger were most likely to answer in the positive and this diminished with older age groups. The most likely to answer positively were those in the 16 to 25 age bracket with 78% knowing where to go or who to ask and this was followed by 26 to 40 years olds at 68%. Those between 41 to 55 years still had high awareness with 61% and this diminished with 56 to 65 year olds at 49% and over 65 year olds had the lowest awareness at just 30%.

We surveyed a total of 382 people around the Coromandel and neighbouring districts. The survey was conducted over a week between 12 July and 19 July 2020. The survey was done voluntarily online using website and facebook pages.

Next we will look at how many people are either regular or recreational users of illicit drugs other than cannabis. See those results >>here<<.

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