Survey: Drugs In Our Community Part 3 Results – Usage

Written by on August 1, 2020


Day three of our focus on drugs, today we focus on the responses to the question of use of drugs other than Marijuana.

We surveyed individuals located on the Coromandel and all surrounding areas. In total 383 people participated in this special survey that was available on our website and Facebook page from Saturday 12 July till the following Saturday 19 July 2020.

In the first article in this series we looked at the question of how people were likely to vote on the forthcoming referendum on the question of legalising cannabis. The respondents to the survey gave it a resounding thumbs up and more specific details can be found here.

In the second in the series we looked at the question of the availability of the supply of drugs and awareness of the location of a supplier. Again, the responses mostly indicated that most people surveyed were aware of the location or know who could tell them of the location. You can see those results here.

Today in the third in the series we look at how many people use illicit drugs, and if they use them occasionally or regularly.

Overall 13% of those who answered the question use drugs. Of those 11% were occasional recreational users and 2% regular users. Males were more likely to use drugs. 20% of males either were regular users or occasional recreational users. The majority (16% of 20%) were occasional recreational users and 4% regular users. Females were much less likely to use with 9% indicating regular or occasional use and of these 8% were occasional recreational users and just 1% regular users.

Whitianga including Kuaotunu, Matarangi, Whangapoua, Opito and Otama, Cooks Beach, Hahei and Hot Water Beach had the most users with 16% followed by Whangamata with nearly 15%, Paeroa and surrounding districts with just below 14% and Thames had one of the lowest user numbers with just 5.2%.

Highest use in age groups came from 16 to 25 year olds with 29% and of those over 7% indicated regular use. The next age bracket being 26 to 40 indicated 16.7% as occasional users, and 3.1% used illicit drugs. The 41 to 55 year olds also indicated users with just over 12% regularly or occasionally using drugs. There were no users in the 66 years and older group.

In our next look at this topic we look at levels of concern regarding drug use.

Reader's opinions
  1. Bob Dawson   On   August 1, 2020 at 9:43 am

    Not surprised there were no users in the 66 years and older, seem they were a lot wiser when young and didn’t want to blow their futures up in smoke

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