national party
Scott Simpson’s seat looks safe with a continued strong lead for the electorate seat in the August CFM poll. Scott is enjoying a clear lead with 49.8% support down from 65.3% in the July poll. This will be welcome news for Scott who at the recently announced Party List ranking will be relying on winning […]

Nationals plans to scrap the unpopular three waters reforms will make a number of Coromandel rate payers very happy. National says if elected to govern the country it will repeal the legislation and leave the management and importantly the assets of the three waters in local council hands. National party leader Christopher Luxon was speaking […]
Christopher Luxon was elected unopposed this week as the new leader of the National Party and 5 days later here he is visiting our district. He’s quickly into the new role and has been out and about visiting different places around New Zealand every day in the job so far. Today he was in Thames […]
Our first chat this morning to Coromandel MP Scott Simpson since his promotion to front bench in new Todd Muller lead National Party. Simpson continues to hold the Environment and Climate Change portfolios, with the addition of the Resource Management Act Reform and Planning portfolio. Calling from Wellington Airport after Parliament sat until midnight under […]