Betty G Set For Salvage

Written by on January 15, 2024

By John Freer

Salvaging the Betty G, the 12 metre launch which after losing its skipper overboard earlier this month, yesterday ended up on an East Cape Beach, is expected to get underway tomorrow.

Skipper and owner, Will Fransen, made his way to Waihau Bay yesterday as did a salvage crew. Will spent 24 hours in the sea after parting company with the boat while tagging a marlin on January 3.

Waihau Bay Sport Fishing Club secretary and local Coastguard member, Christine Elmiger, yesterday told CFM the boat was high and dry on the beach and secure.

She said it was spotted from a house, still floating around noon in an isolated area. It washed ashore slightly afterwards being in excellent condition. Christine said the boat would have to be towed back out to sea as there was no land removal could be achieved.

An inspection of the boat revealed that the rod, Will had hooked the marlin on, was still in its holder and all other gear appeared in place. Christine local had been expecting the launch.

Peter Wykes of Tairua, a friend of Wills gave us his thoughts.

That’s Peter Wykes

The Betty G is a bit of an icon for Tairua, as it was built by Russell George – a labour of love which lasted 13 years in his driveway. Named after his wife Betty, the couple sold the boat to Will, but still retained close ties with the launch, he did come round and tell the couple about the accident. Betty provides her thoughts.

That’s Betty George.

Reader's opinions
  1. Kevin Lynch   On   January 16, 2024 at 7:16 am

    Good luck with the salvage operation
    The Waihau Bay locals are very resourseful so will be most helpful with the exercise
    Keep us in touch

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