Mayoral Candidate John Freer Campaigning for Change and Transparency

Written by on March 13, 2022

Mayoral hopeful John Freer sees the need for substantial change for our Council and is already on the campaign trail to promote his ideas for a more inclusive, transparent and effective team-based approach. He is particularly engaged in rebuilding community links and developing greater involvement with local groups in the day-to-day activities of Council.

He looks at Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta’s decision to extend the time frame for government appointed commissioners and the delay in the return to democratic elections in Tauranga through to 2024  and the mega Auckland Super City as examples of what happens when you don’t get efficiency and delivery right at council level.

He’s been out and about in the wider Coromandel community and says the feedback is loud and clear. “People want change, they want a greater say in what is taking place and they are definitely looking for a more inclusive leadership from our Council.”

He has also approached the Acting CEO of TCDC, Rex Capil, with a request to meet  council staff so he can present his ideas and hear their feedback. “They need to know what I stand for as a mayoral candidate, after all their livelihoods and careers are linked to this Councils success, we need them onboard and engaged with Councils planning and delivery”.

“I’m working on a new realigned structure for Council, one that will create greater engagement across all Council activities.”.

John Freer has had a long career in sports management and in more recent times has been running the Coromandel’s largest shopping mall, Goldfields in Thames. He is keen to meet with local people and community groups and welcomes questions and comments to his email [email protected].


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