Scott Simpson

Scott Simpson’s seat looks safe with a continued strong lead for the electorate seat in the August CFM poll. Scott is enjoying a clear lead with 49.8% support down from 65.3% in the July poll. This will be welcome news for Scott who at the recently announced Party List ranking will be relying on winning […]

The first of the CFM political polls closed last night and we have the results for you. If you are from the right of the political fence then there is good news in this poll with a clear preference at both the electoral and party vote level. Also, some encouraging news for the Greens but […]

Nationals plans to scrap the unpopular three waters reforms will make a number of Coromandel rate payers very happy. National says if elected to govern the country it will repeal the legislation and leave the management and importantly the assets of the three waters in local council hands. National party leader Christopher Luxon was speaking […]

Businesses, trading across the Coromandel Peninsula, particularly those relying on tourism and hospitality, have been dealt another blow. For some, this time it could be terminal. It was not the weather, instead on this occasion it is Prime Minister Chris Hipkins, who virtually ignored the plight of Coromandel Peninsula’s economy while offering storm relief to […]

Christopher Luxon was elected unopposed this week as the new leader of the National Party and 5 days later here he is visiting our district. He’s quickly into the new role and has been out and about visiting different places around New Zealand every day in the job so far. Today he was in Thames […]

For weeks now, there have been murmurings of discontent from many quarters regarding the governments Three Waters proposal. It started around the time that Westland Mayor, Bruce Smith released a video on 24 July setting out the reasons for his displeasure and committing not to support the reform before seeking a mandate from his ratepayers. […]

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