Covid-19 Coromandel
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The Ministry of health has confirmed that we have a positive case of Covid-19 located on the Peninsula in Thames. Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki is providing services with a pop up testing facility now available at Rhodes Park in Thames. The testing centre will remain open today till 7pm and will reopen at 9am […]
We have heard of a positive Covid case in Thames this morning. This has not yet been confirmed and we are waiting Ministry of Health and Waikato DHB to confirm details. We have no other information other than it involves a family who are based in the Thames area. For weeks we have been hearing […]
Thames Coromandel is potentially heading into uncharted territory unless vaccination rates can lift and lift quickly. The Peninsula is at 74% of people aged 12 plus who have had 2 doses and 84.4% with 1 dose. To reach 90% with double doses, we need another 4201 people people to receive their second jab. That’s 16% […]
The Government has today announced a number of sweeping changes to help manage the Covid-19. A 3 stage traffic light Green, Orange and Red has been established. You can see an illustration of this here. The 3 stage traffic light system will come into force when vaccination rates reach 90% for the second dose. New […]
There have been two positive cases in the Waikato. One is in Raglan and the other in Hamilton East. The Waikato Hospital is in full lockdown and people are being asked to stay away. we understand that calls to the Hospital enquiring into visiting patients are being told the hospital is in lockdown and they […]
A Bill introduced to Parliament on Tuesday, and now rushed through its first reading under urgency, would empower the Government to adjourn polling day multiple times without constraint – and not just in an election year, but the year after as well. The interpretation from the opposition is that it would mean Government could delay […]
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has set a clear expectation at today’s 1pm news conference that Cabinet will not remove the current boarder around Auckland. Cabinet will consider next Monday whether to lower levels for Auckland from 3 to 2 and the rest of New Zealand to potentially drop from level 2 to level 1. However, […]
A positive sign of Covid has been found in wastewater testing from a sample taken in Tauranga on Sept 23. The Director General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield has encouraged Tauranga residents to get tested. In other news, PM Jacinda Ardern has today announced changes to rules governing people wanting to leave through the Auckland borders. […]
A Section 70 notice is in effect on an area of Northern Hauraki in the Firth of Thames. This follows 3 positive cases from people in the area and 2 of which who attend the Mangatangi School. The details on this can be found in the notice here. The Director-General of Health, Dr Ashley Bloomfield, […]

Coromandel and surrounding areas can largely take a sigh of relief as the recent cases on the border around Mangatangi have not had any negative bearing on Alert levels and the move for Auckland to Level 3 will still be going ahead. At the 4pm press conference Director-general of health Dr. Ashley Bloomfield said a […]